You know I have discovered that the journey we are all really on is the journey to wholeness. We started at whole as babies, we got broken somewhere along the way and our journey is to get back to wholeness. I guess everyone gets there their own way. When I say wholeness, I mean being totally content with your life. Living your best life. It's you waking up knowing WOW. I am really doing the best I can in every area. I am balanced! I think that self examination or introspection is one way to do it but I also think you can spend too much time on all of that. We are who we are from the experiences we have had and the people we have met. Perhaps, the key is just waking up one day and saying yesterday and all the days before don't matter. The WAY to WHOLENESS is Living with Intention From this day forward, I will be the best I can be. I will examine every area of my life and do exactly what needs to be done TODAY , to be the person I want to be tomorrow. I think ev...